Two weeks ago I posted a top 10 list about why I’m excited to go back to work.  But as excited as I am to return to the work force, I’m also suffering from some major anxiety as the start of the school year gets closer and closer.  I try to be optimistic about most things, and I fully intend to embark on this adventure with a positive attitude.  However, I feel the need to work out my feelings, get them off my chest and ask for support and advice.

So here are my….

Top 10 Reasons Why I’m Terrified About Going Back to Work

10)  What if I don’t like my job?  I’d hate to put my family and myself through this huge adjustment only for me to be unhappy.

9)  What if I don’t have time to spend with my friends?  I’m so used to being able to meet friends for lunch or plan an afternoon playdate for the kids.  I won’t be able to do that anymore.

8)  What if I’m too tired to cook dinners?  I usually cook dinner every week day, and I don’t want to give that up and resort to fast food.  That wouldn’t be good for our budget, my kids’ nutrition, or my waistline.

7)  How will I handle it all when my husband travels?  It’s hard enough being a single parent as a Domestic Engineer.  What will life be like as a working single mom?

6)  Will I waste my weekends catching up on errands and household chores instead of relaxing?

5)  Will I have enough time and energy for my family?

4)  How will I cope with the disappointment of missing important events?  I just learned that Big C’s Open House for 1st grade is the same night as my Open House as a teacher.  I have NEVER missed an event like this for my children.  What else will I miss?

3)  How will I find the time to work out?  Exercise is a large part of my life.  I like being fit, and I like having that stress reliever.  Once I start working, I’ll have to either wake up at o’dark thirty or hit the gym after the kids are in bed at night.  Neither option sounds very appealing.

2)  What if I’m not a good teacher?  I’m typically a pretty confident person.  But I can’t help but harbor a little bit of self-doubt.

1)  Will I have enough time to myself?  Will I be able to keep blogging?  Will I have time to read other blogs?  Will I have time to read magazines or novels?  Will my ME time completely disappear?

Do you have any advice for kicking those nerves and anxiety?  What’s the best way to balance it all?

12 Comments on Top 10 Reasons Why I’m Terrified About Going Back to Work

  1. Very good post for a lot of reasons. But I just want to say, we are all rooting for you and very excited for you. I have a feeling you are going to be really good at your job, and that God put you in this position for a reason. Whether you believe in God or not, maybe just knowing you are meant to be in that position, for however long, would give you peace. Realistically, every single one of the things you listed probably will come true at one point or another, but being the badass that you are, you and your family will handle those things with grace and will learn the answers to those things together! I can't wait to hear about your new adventure as a working mom, though I expect your blog posts to slow down a bit 🙂 Just remember you will always have us as a support group!!

  2. I think the best way to balance it all is to figure out what is truly important to you and to tell others. That way, when there are conflicts you (and those around you) know where your priorities are. I also think it's okay for somethings to give. Maybe you can't do lunch with friends, but maybe you can grab a coffee. Maybe you can't get to the gym, but maybe you can do some exercises at your desk or work. There are entire websites and magazine articles devoted to it. Plus, aren't you teaching kindergarten? (I think I read that earlier…?) If that's correct, you're gonna spend your day chasing them around anyway! =)

  3. You will do it!!!! I know it will be hard to try and juggle all of EVERYTHING at first. I'm sure that you will have moments of hard times, but you will just have to figure out a new schedule for things…for your life. Try to just roll with it as it comes, it might be easier to transition back into the "working" roll. Being a working mom is HARD! I know…I was a single working mother, and it was very challenging from time to time. But…I made it work. You will just have to prioritize what is important in your families life. If that means less blogging…(I will be sad), all your loyal followers will be waiting for you when you can post.

    I think we are all guilty of having such great expectations of what we want to happen, when we should just focus on the important smaller things in life.

    My favorite saying is, "and then…life happens".

    You will do great! And I can't wait to hear all about it, when you have time.

  4. Take it a day at a time. Just see how it goes. I've never been a mom, but I am also a teacher and military wife. I guess ya just gotta do what ya gotta do. I think the best thing I did for my family and husband was to make sure I completed as much work as I could at school. I really tried not to take home work that was due the next day (i.e. lesson plans/ papers/ etc)… you will find your teaching groove. And you will still have your weekends!!! (that's another thing… try to finish up on friday so you dont have to think about school at all on the weekends 🙂 best wishes!!

  5. I wish I had some advice, I had all of those issues even working part-time so I quit. I am just too used to my freedom and lifestyle, and passions. Keep in mind however I do not have a career path I am passionate about right now, except educating women and mothers and I kept ignoring that saying I needed to get a job. I just can't work for anyone else, and I realized that my blog is not paying the bills but if I am living my passion eventually the Universe will reveal what career will shake out. Good luck to you!

  6. I had just wrote a comment but it didn't go through. Ughhh 🙁

    I am right there with you on the "will I find time to exercise" and "how am I going to balance it all." I just hope I can find time to exercise at least 30 minutes to 1 hour a day. I definitely won't be able to in the morning. I like to sleep in too much.

    As of right now, I got a job. A full=time job (37.5). I'm going to have to do a practicum for my master's degree, which is about 12 hours a week. Plus, I'm going to have to go to school. That's only on Fridays 4pm-9pm and Saturdays 9am-4pm. I'll be getting home around 9:30pm every night, because my practicum is from 6pm-9pm. Plus, I have to maintain my relationship.

    Luckily, all next year, I will be able to use my job as my internship, so I will get paid and won't have to find another place to do it at. This module is going to be hard.

    I'm also worried about having "me" time. I don't really like being alone. I want to be able to have time to blog, update my blog, and check up on my blogs that I read.

  7. Just remember that all these emotions you are feeling are all 100% normal and there for a reason. And I think you are going to show up to work and amaze yourself at how you thrive, thanks to these feelings.

  8. I worked my sons whole life with the exception of his last 2 years of high school. I always found it incredibly hard to juggle and I only had one child. I had some jobs I loved and some I didn't. I say jump back in, get your feet wet and if it doesn't work for you well you quit that job and go back to your family (we all know that is the hardest job). I think if you don't do it you will never know so you should. I have no regrets about working and I have no regrets about not working the last two years but I am ready to go back. Good luck and I am sure you will know what is right for you and your family.

  9. I can imagine why you'd be nervous. But, I think if you just take it one hour, one day at a time, it will all work out! Think of all the strength you've gained over the years as a military spouse – you can do this! 🙂

  10. Something I suggest is not only meal planning but actually meal prepping as well. On Sunday, I either cook meals or prep meals for the entire week. That way if I get home at night and am too tired to cook – it's already done. Just needs to be warmed up.

    I also try to keep several meals in the freezer as backups as well. (Things like meatballs, shredded chicken, etc are good ideas.)

    Hope this helps a little. It definitely does for us. It may take a little time on Sunday to do, but when my hubby is home we do it together during nap time or I do it by myself if he's not home. Allows me to have more time for my kids at the end of the day.

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