I love blog memes. And there are a ton of them out there in the blogosphere.  In fact, last year, I spent an entire week posting nothing but responses to memes.  Not only are they a great way to check out other blogs, but they also help stir up some creativity.   Lately, I’ve been in some SERIOUS need of creativity stirring.  I’m even considering repeating my week of ultimate meme participation just to get my brain working again.  So I’m wondering…do you meme?  Which ones do you participate in? Moving on…

PROJECT GRATITUDE DAY 6: I am thankful that the girl who offered to baby-sit my kids months ago was still willing to work us into her rotation.  Date night next weekend!

3 Comments on Got Meme?

  1. I love your friday one, that is what brought me here today. I love mama m's friday questions. I do several a week. Lots of times I do it to get my name out there and to give me fresh ideas.

  2. On facebook, there is this right now:

    Pay It Forward 2011: I promise to send something handmade to the first 5 people who leave a comment here. They must in turn post this and send something to the first 5 people who comment on their status. *The rules are that it must be handmade by you and it must be sent out to your 5 people sometime in 2011*

    Maybe a blog version?

  3. I think memes can be fun, but I think they can become…too much. There was a period early in my blogging where pretty much every day followed some sort of alliterated meme theme. And then I noticed that my followers and comments were dropping, because my posts were getting boring and formulaic. Personally, I tend to skip over meme posts more often than not, myself. I can understand why people were skipping me over too! I agree that sometimes, you just need something to give you that little creative boost, so I always keep something on the back burner, just in case. But there is such a thing as too much of a good thing!

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