Yesterday was my first official day of summer vacation.  It was the first day I could sleep in without having to get someone off to school.  It was the first day I had nothing planned.  It was the first day I could realistically contemplate staying in my pajamas all day. 

And if yesterday was any indication of how my summer is going to be, it’s going to be a VERY LONG 2 and a half months.

Here are my…

Top 10 Highlights of My First Day of Summer Vacation with 2 Kids
{please insert sarcasm}

10)  Mr. Roller Coaster needed my help lifting something into his truck.  At 5:45 AM.

9)  After finally falling back asleep after helping Mr. RC, Big C and Little C teamed up to alternate giving me a wake up call every 5 minutes until I got up and popped their frozen waffles in the toaster.

8)  Once I got up and started moving around, I realized I could barely raise my arms above my head because I was so sore from our Father’s Day tubing adventure.

7)  The only availabilities at the YMCA summer camp for Big C’s age group are the exact weeks that he won’t be able to attend.

6)  The Y was able to squeeze Little C into the swim lesson class that started yesterday so I rushed home to pack a swim bag.  When I got Little C into the lockerroom to change, I discovered that in my haste I had grabbed 2 bathing suit tops and no bottoms.  My 3-year-old daughter participated in her 1st swim lesson wearing leggings.

5)  During said swim lessons, I swapped my running shoes for flip flops to air out my feet after a sweaty 3-mile run.  When I got home and unpacked my swim bag, I found only 1 running shoe.  So I packed the kids back into the car for our THIRD trip to the Y.

4)  En route to the Y for the third time, the sky opened up with rain.  2 kids, no umbrella, packed parking lot, pouring down rain.  Fun.

3)  I had to spend a significant portion of time on hold for my cable company’s customer service to cancel the Mandarin Chinese channel that one of my children managed to order by randomly pushing buttons on the remote.

2)  The kids’ love/hate relationship makes them giggle one minute and the next minute all I can hear is screaming and mysterious THUDS coming from their bedrooms.

1)  Still have writer’s block.  Hooray!

How is your summer vacation going so far?


5 Comments on Top 10 Highlights of My First Day of Summer Vacation with 2 Kids

  1. Better than yours? =) JK It's going VERY SLOWLY, naturally, since I want it to rush by since my hubby is coming home in the fall. Seems to be going by at a snails pace… Grrr!!

  2. For someone with writer's block, I would say you wrote a pretty darn entertaining blog post! I hope that the next day is better. 🙂

  3. Oh, I'm laughing over here! I guess things could be worse, right?
    For having writers block, that was a great post! I'm kinda in the same boat though…these days, I don't have much to say. Booo!
    Have a great week,

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