“The days are long, but the years are short.”
~ Gretchen Rubin, The Happiness Project
I can’t count how many times in the last month I’ve said to someone, “Wow, it’s been a really long day.” Work has been hectic, baseball season kicked off, and my husband’s travel schedule has been frequent and unpredictable. Some days I can’t wait to crawl into bed with a good book and finally take a deep breath.
But then there are times that I’m reminded just how quickly time passes: watching my daughter read her first book, comparing the kids’ school pictures from this year to last year, seeing my son try to squeeze into a shirt he wore comfortably just 6 months ago. My kids are no longer babies, and I don’t know how that happened. Despite those really long days, the years seem to pass right before my eyes.
I know I need to stop squandering time and complaining about long days. Because this is exactly how quickly it seems my kids’ childhoods are flying by…
Totally made me cry…. Kids grow up way too fast.
I saw this on Facebook earlier, and it made me so sad! It's crazy how time flies.
I love that. Time does move by so quickly overall doesn't it
I saw this video earlier, it's so eye opening to just how fast time goes by! I hate to think about how much time I have wasted doing who-knows-what rather than spending it appreciating my kids and how quickly they are growing up. Sigh, time really needs to slow down…just not during the work day.