I’m one of those people who turns into an obsessive reader when I’m going through something unfamiliar. When I found out I was pregnant with my son, I read everything I could find on pregnancy and parenthood. I read so much that, by the time I hit my third trimester, my OB/GYN told me […] Read more…
An Anniversary of a New Beginning
One year ago today I moved out of my marital house. For most of our year-long legal separation, my ex and I lived in different parts of the same house. It was partly to save money, partly because he was traveling for work and would be gone anyway, and partly because neither of us seemed […] Read more…
Happy Moment: Jumping Into Vacation
We all need a break every now and again. My break came recently when I combined my 20th high school reunion with a weeklong vacation. I had some time with my parents. Time with old friends. Time with my kids. Time for myself. And a little time OFF from work and emails and deadlines. Although I […] Read more…
Divorce, Redemption and My 20th High School Reunion
I just attended my 20th high school reunion. It was a blast, but going into it, I was a bit nervous about how it would look from the eyes of a divorcee. Read all about it over at the Huffington Post. Read more…
Happy Moment: Independence Day 5K
Big C ran his first 5K this morning, despite a visit from Hurricane Arthur. I’m so proud of my boy, who announced after the race that he had “caught the running bug.” Happy 4th of July! Happy moments are everywhere… Happy Moment: Independence Day 5K Read more…
Online Dating: I Did It For the Blog Post
After my divorce was final, I decided to try online dating for two main reasons: 1) curiosity, and 2) my friends made me. Oh, who am I kidding? I also wanted to write a blog post about it. Friends warned me that when you first join an online dating site, you’re instantly bombarded with winks […] Read more…