Blog Hop

Mil Spouse Appreciation Day Blog Hop

May 11, 2012 is a very special day for military spouses.  Why, you ask?  Because this day has been set aside to recognize and celebrate, you guessed it, MILITARY SPOUSES!  Yes, that’s right.  May 11 is Military Spouse Appreciation Day. Mil spouses (and girlfriends and significant others, men and women alike) are amazing people with […] Read more…

Ultimate Blog Party 2011

So I’m home from work today with a sick little girl, and I thought to myself, “Self.  Use this day wisely.  How are you going to use this sudden block of free time?”  Hmmm, I’m not really in the mood for writing.  I’m too antsy to read a book.  I definitely don’t feel like cleaning.  Maybe I’ll […] Read more…

Blizzard Bloghop!

Have you heard about the Blizzard Bloghop?  Ann Marie over at Household 6 Diva is hosting this awesome blog hop so go on over and join in!  Just make sure you post a brief introduction about yourself, link up at Household 6 Diva, and enjoy the meet and greet throughout the weekend. I’ll keep my intro […] Read more…

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