Blog Swap

Talking Blog Swap on USAA

I’m thrilled to share that I’m being featured on the USAA Military Spouse Blogging Community today!  So head on over and check out my interview with Wendy Poling about the Mil Spouse Holiday Blog Swap.  (And if you feel so inclined to leave some comment love, that’s even better!)  Thanks! Read more…

Mil Spouse Holiday Blog Swap 2011!

The holiday season is upon us!  People are busy shopping for the perfect gifts for loved ones, finalizing travel plans, decorating their homes, and cuddling up on the couch for that special holiday movie.  And somewhere amidst all the chaos, we bloggers still manage to find the time to write about it. In the spirit of bringing […] Read more…

Valentine’s Day Mil Spouse Blog Swap!

Happy Valentine’s Day! And welcome to the Valentine’s Day edition of the Mil Spouse Blog Swap!  Thanks Mrs. Muffins for the button! I wanted to plan something fun for the day so I organized a little blog swap with some of my fellow mil spouse bloggers.  Basically, we’re all switching blogs for the day, guest posting about all […] Read more…

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