Today I stare down another divorce first: my anniversary. Today would have been my 14th. So how am I supposed to deal with my first post-divorce anniversary? Please join me over at Huffington Post as I share my thoughts. Read more…
Aloha to the First Post-Divorce PCS Move
There are many parts of military life that I can’t escape despite my status as an ex-military wife. And while I may have over a decade of military life experience under my belt, my status change has greatly altered how those parts affect me. Simple things, like taking the kids to the clinic on […] Read more…
Another Divorce First: Meeting the Ex’s Girlfriend
Nothing about divorce is easy. I wrote that two months ago as I dealt with my first holiday season as a divorced woman. I predicted that that statement would pop up often as I continued to stumble upon the endless “firsts” all divorced people are forced to live through. I’ve passed through a lot […] Read more…