
Life is a Balancing Act…And I’m Tipping Over

Equilibrium: n.  (kw-lbr–m, kw-) A condition in which all acting influences are canceled by others, resulting in a stable, balanced, or unchanging system. Wife.  Mother.  Teacher.  Writer.  Runner.  Friend.  Daughter.  Housekeeper.  Chef.  Chauffeur.  Life is a balancing act of all the roles we play on a daily basis, our ultimate goal being equilibrium.  But lately […] Read more…

Top 10 Running T-Shirt Slogans

Over the weekend I ran a half marathon.  13.1 miles.  Even though it was my 3rd half, I still suffered from pre-race jitters.  And even though I didn’t run my personal best time, I still considered it a huge accomplishment when I finished.  It was my first big race since I pulled my hamstring 2 years ago so completing […] Read more…

Let’s Get It Started

I’ve been training all summer for a half marathon.  And it suddenly occurred to me that the big day is coming up this weekend.  This is my 3rd half marathon so I know what to expect, but I’m still fighting some nerves that creep up whenever I think about race day.  During the training for […] Read more…

Maroon 5: Moves Like Jagger

The other day I heard this song in spinning class, and I haven’t been able to get it out of my head since.  It’s now on my running playlist, scheduled around Mile 1 to get me started and again at Mile 6 for a second wind.  Might even put it on a third time at Mile […] Read more…

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