Little C

Happy Moment: A Birthday Adventure

Seven years ago today in Sasebo, Japan, I listened to countdowns from 10 in a foreign language as I watched dolphins swimming on a flat-screen tv in front of me. The result was a beautiful baby girl who makes me laugh and swell with pride while constantly keeping me on my toes. I’ve never been […] Read more…

10 Books That Helped Me Get Through Divorce

  I’m one of those people who turns into an obsessive reader when I’m going through something unfamiliar. When I found out I was pregnant with my son, I read everything I could find on pregnancy and parenthood. I read so much that, by the time I hit my third trimester, my OB/GYN told me […] Read more…

Happy Moment: Jumping Into Vacation

We all need a break every now and again. My break came recently when I combined my 20th high school reunion with a weeklong vacation. I had some time with my parents. Time with old friends. Time with my kids. Time for myself. And a little time OFF from work and emails and deadlines. Although I […] Read more…

Happy Moment: Family 5K Training

When I was a kid and into my teen years, I was always involved in an extracurricular activity. Although it was usually swim team, I also gave softball and track a try, and for a while I spent time after school at band practice playing the drums. That’s why I just assumed when I became […] Read more…

This is What My Family Looks Like

I’m a worrier. I analyze what others do, say and think. I believe that everything happens for a reason, and I’m not very patient when it comes to finding out what that reason is. Recently my daughter came home from school with this drawing: I wanted to figure out the reason she drew it. I […] Read more…

Traveling with Kids…Oh the Humanity!

I love my children very much.  And they’re generally well-behaved, well-mannered, all around pretty good kids.  But as much as I love them, I DO NOT love traveling with them, especially when my husband isn’t traveling with us.  I’ve done my fair share of traveling with the kids by myself, and it’s always left me stressed, exhausted, and […] Read more…

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