Sometimes I hold my breath without knowing it. It’s usually when I’m acutely stressed or deep in concentration. But once I realize I’m not breathing, the sweet release of the long exhale brings me back to the present. Then I take a deep inhale, hold for two beats and let the second long exhale calm […] Read more…
Patience: My One-Word Resolution for 2021
In 2017 I decided to ditch the idea of New Year’s Resolutions in exchange for one simple word. That word would carry me through the new year, reminding me of all I wanted it to represent based on my past, present and future. As I continue to collect annual words, they’ve gone beyond resolutions and […] Read more…
Laughter & Stress: A Word From TriWest Healthcare Alliance
I like to laugh. But when I’m stressed, it seems that laughter isn’t high on my list of priorities. Come to find out, it should be. I wanted to pass along an article written by Shari Lopatin who works at TriWest Healthcare Alliance. Not only does she explain the health benefits associated with laughter, but she also […] Read more…