
Top 10 Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes

Today is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. And as I look through my social media feeds, I’m inspired by the countless quotes spoken by this inspiring man. His words have the ability to speak to anyone across a spectrum of just about any life circumstance. The following quotes are the ones that speak the most […] Read more…

Tell Your Stories

As a writer, I often walk a fine line between what I want to share and what is better left unwritten. And through years of writing from personal experience and putting myself out there publicly, I’ve learned that everyone in my life — however casual or intimate — shoulders the burden of being the potential […] Read more…

Top 10 Uplifting Divorce Quotes

I find comfort in other people’s words. I feel better knowing my feelings have been felt before. I’m motivated by encouraging sentiments. I can change my perspective for the better with a glimpse of another’s insight.  That’s why I love quotes. I started collecting quotes when I was a teenager and realized that other people […] Read more…

Top 10 Running T-Shirt Slogans

Over the weekend I ran a half marathon.  13.1 miles.  Even though it was my 3rd half, I still suffered from pre-race jitters.  And even though I didn’t run my personal best time, I still considered it a huge accomplishment when I finished.  It was my first big race since I pulled my hamstring 2 years ago so completing […] Read more…

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