Dear Pets, The last four weeks post-surgery have been rough. And when I say rough, I mean I’ve been rotating the same comfy pants and baggy shirts for over four weeks. I’ve been keeping medication charts. I’ve been taking naps. I’ve watched more tv in the last month than I probably have in the entire […] Read more…
To Whom It May Concern
Dear Apartment Complex, I want to apologize for being in such a hurry to abandon you for a house. I know I said I wanted a yard for my kids and my dog to play in, and I would love to be able to claim the title of “Home Owner” for the first time as […] Read more…
To Whom It May Concern
Dear Netflix, Oh, how you mock my free time. You had me at “Mad Men.” Then I moved on to marathon sessions of “Breaking Bad,” and as of this past weekend, I’ve completed the second season of “House of Cards.” You have completely ruined me for normal scheduled programming. And while I love your convenience and portability […] Read more…
To Whom It May Concern
Dear Sore Throat and Stuffy Nose, Please please please go away! I am going to the Milblog Conference next week, an event I’ve been looking forward to for a year. I cannot be sick for MilBlogCon! So please pack up your germs and move them to someone else’s body. Dear Baseball Season, I know I […] Read more…
To Whom It May Concern
Dear Monday, You are my Kryptonite. My weekend was going just fine until you crept up out of nowhere and made me have to think about lesson plans and packing lunches and wearing clothes that aren’t athletic gear. Please stop ruining my weekends. And please pass quickly today. Tuesdays are so much kinder than you. […] Read more…
To Whom It May Concern
Dear Daylight Savings, For the first time in years, you actually worked to my advantage. I’ve learned the key is to wear out the kids to the point of exhaustion on Saturday so they’ll sleep late on Sunday. Then Moms and Dads can sleep late too, and no hours of Sunday productivity are lost. It’s […] Read more…