One Word

Breathe: My One-Word Resolution for 2022

Sometimes I hold my breath without knowing it. It’s usually when I’m acutely stressed or deep in concentration. But once I realize I’m not breathing, the sweet release of the long exhale brings me back to the present. Then I take a deep inhale, hold for two beats and let the second long exhale calm […] Read more…

Patience: My One-Word Resolution for 2021

In 2017 I decided to ditch the idea of New Year’s Resolutions in exchange for one simple word. That word would carry me through the new year, reminding me of all I wanted it to represent based on my past, present and future. As I continue to collect annual words, they’ve gone beyond resolutions and […] Read more…

Wholeness: My One-Word Resolution for 2020

A handful of years ago I decided to abandon the traditional New Year’s resolutions in favor of one simple word. Instead of making a list of goals I never seemed to achieve, I wanted to focus on a single word that encompassed the overall tone I wanted for the year ahead based on everything that […] Read more…

Grounded: My One-Word Resolution for 2019

Another year has passed, and suddenly here we are in 2019. Time to start fresh with some new goals. Time to take the lessons learned from last year and apply them to this year. And time to reveal my new one-word resolution. The words I chose for the last two years — Balance and Wellness […] Read more…

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