Random Brain Vomit


I am an introvert.  But oddly, most of my life I’ve been quite the opposite.  As a child, I never shut up and I craved attention.  I dominated conversations and made friends with anyone who could tolerate my hyperactive tendencies.  The personality assessments I took throughout college to properly match me up with a freshman roommate, then as […] Read more…

Living in the Moment

  Today I went to a museum with my kids and my in-laws.  And about halfway through the drive there, I realized I forgot my camera.  Thankfully, my in-laws remembered theirs, but without my own camera, I felt like I was walking into the museum naked. I take a lot of pictures.  My memory is […] Read more…


I woke up this morning and realized I didn’t have a blog post planned.  I usually take the weekends off and then have plenty to write about for Monday’s blog post.  But today, I’m uninspired.  I used to blog every day.  Then I tried for 5 days a week.  Now I’m lucky if I post […] Read more…

Situational Awareness

  I wouldn’t call myself a paranoid person. But I definitely have a reasonable level of situational awareness. As a woman who frequently lives alone, I feel I have to be aware of my surroundings to protect my safety and security. I double check the locks in my house before I go to bed. I carry […] Read more…

Lessons of the Day

Lesson #1:  Do not schedule both a dentist appointment and a doctor’s appointment on the same day for the same child. Lesson #2: Do not leave your umbrella in the car during said appointments. Lesson #3: Do not assume you’ll have time to go home for lunch between appoinments. Lesson #4: Do not allow your children to bring their […] Read more…

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