One year ago on November 22, I sat in a courtroom and listened to a judge declare that my marriage was over. And as I anticipate my official divorciversary this Saturday, I thought I’d share some one-year post-divorce reflections. Click on over to read my latest at the Huffington Post. Read more…
Removing a Broken Heart One Laser Treatment at a Time
Ever think about getting a tattoo removed? Yeah, me too. You can read my thoughts on tattoo removal in my latest at the Huffington Post. Read more…
Divorce, Redemption and My 20th High School Reunion
I just attended my 20th high school reunion. It was a blast, but going into it, I was a bit nervous about how it would look from the eyes of a divorcee. Read all about it over at the Huffington Post. Read more…
Another Divorce First: The Anniversary
Today I stare down another divorce first: my anniversary. Today would have been my 14th. So how am I supposed to deal with my first post-divorce anniversary? Please join me over at Huffington Post as I share my thoughts. Read more…
Roller Coaster Meets Huffington Post
I’m excited to announce my new gig as a Huffington Post blogger! I’m thrilled to have such a huge platform to share my journey through divorce and single motherhood. Click here to head on over to my Huffington Post debut. As always, I appreciate any comments you take the time to share with me. Read more…