Moving On

Top 10 Martin Luther King, Jr. Quotes

Today is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. And as I look through my social media feeds, I’m inspired by the countless quotes spoken by this inspiring man. His words have the ability to speak to anyone across a spectrum of just about any life circumstance. The following quotes are the ones that speak the most […] Read more…

Moving Home After Divorce: No Brainer or No Way?

I’m currently obsessed with the show “Parenthood.” After my work day is done and my kids are in bed, I binge on Netflix as I join the Braverman family in all their adventures in parenting. I watch as they celebrate life’s joyous moments, mourn life’s tragedies, help each other with problems big and small and […] Read more…

10 Books That Helped Me Get Through Divorce

  I’m one of those people who turns into an obsessive reader when I’m going through something unfamiliar. When I found out I was pregnant with my son, I read everything I could find on pregnancy and parenthood. I read so much that, by the time I hit my third trimester, my OB/GYN told me […] Read more…

An Anniversary of a New Beginning

One year ago today I moved out of my marital house. For most of our year-long legal separation, my ex and I lived in different parts of the same house. It was partly to save money, partly because he was traveling for work and would be gone anyway, and partly because neither of us seemed […] Read more…

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