Writer’s Life

I Miss Writing

I miss writing. I hear myself say these three words. Every. Single. Day. I can’t stand that I’m saying them. I can’t stand that I’m not writing with the frequency and passion that once drove me to this blog. Every. Single. Day. I can’t stand that writing has somehow fallen off my list of priorities. […] Read more…

What Motivates Me: Time To Go Back to the Beginning

I haven’t been writing. And when I say I haven’t been writing, I mean it’s been months. Not just days or weeks. I’m talking months since I’ve written much more than a Facebook status update. I tell myself the noodling around I did on my novel in November for NaNoWriMo counted as writing. But it […] Read more…

To Whom It May Concern

Dear Writer’s Freeze, You are Writer’s Block’s less famous cousin, the one who lurks in the corner of the party because, despite the fact that you are bursting with things to say, you’re overwhelmed and paralyzed by all those words.  Unlike Block, you don’t need ideas or inspiration or motivation. You have plenty of that. […] Read more…

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