Big C had Mommy all to himself for 3 and a half years before Little C came along and ruined it all for him. Unfortunately, Big C doesn’t remember those 3 and a half years. All he knows is that his little sister, the high maintenance bundle of energy, monopolizes most of Mommy’s time and has been doing so for as long as he can remember.

I honestly don’t know how women with more than 2 children do it, how they spread themselves between all of the children so that none of them feels overlooked. I often feel guilty for focusing so much of my attention on Little C and using Big C’s age and abilities to leave him to his own devices. I remind myself that when he was his sister’s age, it was all Big C all the time and now it’s Little C’s turn. But I still can’t help but feel like I’m neglecting my son.

Today I am going to spend quality alone time with each of my C’s. So allow me to excuse myself while I start that quality time right now!

The determining factor of success in this challenge was Little C’s willingness to entertain herself. So I can thank her accommodating mood for today’s achievement.

I read books to each child instead of reading to them together. I helped Big C formulate his extensive birthday wish list and then we picked out his party decorations at Party City. I colored with Little C as we discussed letters, numbers, shapes, and colors and then we worked on puzzles.

But my favorite part was right before lunch. While Little C molded unidentifiable sculptures with Play Doh (no, not the homemade kind), I snuck away with Big C to play Gormiti.  Did you know that if you sprinkle Good Guy Dust on Bad Guys, then they are safe enough for mommies to play with? That is very important information to know.

Spending time alone with Little C is easy.  She has me all to herself while her brother is in school. But squeezing in the time with Big C is much more challenging. I’m so glad I made that time today. And I know Big C is too. 

Another activity Big C and I did together was his homework.  He had to make 10 sets of 10 pieces of cereal and then count to 100 by 10’s.  Thank goodness for Apple Jacks because I don’t think this assignment would have been quite the same with Banana Nut Crunch.
(And those Apple Jacks?  Yeah, they’re mine.  I’m usually a pretty healthy eater, but I have a weakness for junk cereals.  Big C discovered my hidden stash of Apple Jacks, and I had to tell him that I bought it just for his homework assignment.  Of course I let him eat the cereal after he painstakingly counted out a hundred pieces.  And of course he declared that he wants Apple Jacks for breakfast tomorrow.  Do you think he’ll believe me if I tell him there are only 100 pieces in each box?)

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