I’m beyond excited to have the opportunity to attend the Milblogging Conference in Washington, D.C. this upcoming weekend.  I’ve never attended a blogging conference before, so I have no idea what to expect.  The planner in me is a little nervous about facing the unexpected, but the military wife in me can’t wait for the fun to begin. 

Speaking of the Milblogging Conference, I learned this morning that I reached the top 5 in the nominations stage for the military spouse MILbloggie award, pushing me forward to the voting stage.  If you have a minute and think I’m worthy of your love, you can vote for me at http://milblogging.com/votestandings.php?mode=branch.  Just log in, click on the spouse category, and vote!  I’m excited to be in the company of such wonderful bloggers, and I hope I get the chance to meet some of you this weekend!

Happy Easter everyone!

3 Comments on Operation: Conference Socialization

  1. I'm glad you're doing something that is challenging and exciting for you. You do so much for others, this is for you. I like that. Thank you for letting us know how it was.

    Happy Easter!

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