Friday is approaching, and as most bloggers know, it’s the most social day in the blogosphere.  Blog hops are a fantastic way to meet other bloggers and gain more readership for your own blog.  However, I feel that something is lost when you are 1 of 600+ bloggers on the list.  Who has the time to sift through all those names to find the ones that most interest you?

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve participated in several Friday Follows and have grown to love many of the bloggers I’ve contacted.  But some I don’t read, and I’m sure many don’t read mine.  And that’s fine. I think we all want to devote our precious time to bloggers we share a common interest with. 

Obviously, one of my interests is military life.  So I got to thinking, what if I did my own blog hop just with military spouses?  No searching for military related titles in the more general blog hops.  Just mil spouses (and girlfriends too!).

What do you think?  If you are a mil spouse/girlfriend, would you be interested in doing a blog hop?  Leave me a comment if you are.  If I get enough responses, I’ll do the hop next Friday.  And who knows, if you gals like it, maybe we can do a tag you’re it kind of thing and rotate who hosts it the next time around.

26 Comments on Military Spouse Blog Hop?

  1. I would totally be into that! Friday the 30th? Count me in! (I'll start on a pre-scheduled post now, because I'll be a bit busy then ;))

  2. Yup I'm in. The 30th is blogmania and is an insane blog hop day just in case you hadn't heard of it yet. But I can schedule two posts at once.

  3. I've never done a blog hop before, and this sounds like as good a maiden voyage as any. Let us know how to play. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Tothenth: Blog hops are pretty simple. If you want, the day of the hop, post a little bio about yourself. For those who have About Me tabs, you can either direct readers to that or copy and paste into a post. Most hosts ask that the post also includes a link back to them so that your readers can join in on the fun too. I'll post a McLinky that day, so you come on over and add the link to you blog to the list so everyone else can visit you. Most blog hops encourage you to follow those bloggers you visit, and blogging etiquette dictates that you follow back. But I'm not big into rules so I say do what you want. It's as simple as that!

  5. Oh, honey, I would LOVE to do this! I quit doing Friday Follow…it was WAY too overwhelming to keep up with it all. And a lot of the blogs weren't my style ๐Ÿ™‚

    You have an amazing idea honey!


  6. Sounds like a good plan (although I wouldn't be able to participate!). I always read all the blogs I follow though. I feel like you shouldn't follow people if you're not actually going to read them, ya know? ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. What a GREAT idea! During my boyfriend's deployment I was able to follow some really great Mil Spouse blogs and soon after blogger messed me up and I lost them all. BUT I LOVE THEM! So I'm on the hunt again. : D


  8. Alright ladies, I'm planning the blog hop for next Friday, the 30th. For those of you who have never participated in a blog hop, I'll be giving the instructions on the day of. I think it will be tons of fun, and hopefully I'll get to meet some new faces out there.

    To my lovely non-mil spouse friends who commented, I hate to exclude you, but I know you understand! Thanks for the support and continuing to leave me great comments!

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