We all lead busy lives. We all have extensive To Do lists. We all have things we’d like to do if we had just one extra hour added to our day. And if you’re a mom like me, you know that most of those things require the absence of our children. So here’s my…
Top 10 Things I’d Do If I Had 1 Extra Child-Free Hour a Day
10) Sleep
9) Call friends I’ve been neglecting and enjoy talking on the phone without the interruption of screaming children who decide they are suddenly deprived of attention
8) Sit in my backyard on a sunny day, doing nothing but listening to my iPod and staring at the blue sky
7) Watch the television shows recorded on my DVR that is now at 94% capacity.
6) Get a weekly massage
5) Read the growing stack of books sitting on my nightstand
4) Write a novel
3) Indulge in some retail therapy without having to constantly grab my daughter’s foot as she crawls under the partition into the next dressing room
2) Write my husband a daily letter
1) NOT clean my house. NOT cook. NOT wash dishes. NOT fold laundry. NOT return emails. NOT Tweet. NOT Facebook. And definitely NOT look at that extensive To Do list.
What tops your list?
I agree! I love the one about sleep, and just sitting reading and in the backyard. My kids are teenagers, but since I'm a full time nursing student I feel so guilty if I read anything other than a text book. I'd love to just read something mindless and entertaining! Great thoughts!
Love it!!!
I am definitely with you on the massage thing and the sitting in the sun with the iPod, among all the other things you listed!!!
The top of my list would probably be alone time with my hubby (since he's home right now)…definitely need some attention for me!!!
Great list!
I 100% agree with your entire list, especially the weekly massage!
Love it! But I'd flip the list and put sleep on top!
Can I save my daily hours up and use them all in one day?!? I could get a lot more done! I'd probably just end up sitting on the couch, loving the silence!
Completely agree! Especially with sleep and a massage!
Hey…#1 has a list of like 7! Also, can you please mention me in your novel somewhere. I'm sure you can find a spot for me. I want fame and recognition, just don't feel like doing anything about it 🙂
I don't have any kids yet although I will in about 5 weeks, but I am sure I wold agree with you in every way with that list! 🙂
Number 1 is my favorite. I hate feeling "obligated" to do some of those things.
I can totally relate to this. I have a 21 month old daughter and one year old puppy and both of them have a one second attention span and high interest in whatever they cannot have. I would have every single one of these things on my list. My biggest request is quiet. So much noise all the time…whining, crying, barking, whimpering, etc. I would like to sit outside or go for a walk…no tv, no talking to anyone, no radio, no phone.
LOVE #1!!
By the way… I think you have a super sweet blog! (Check my blog for details!)
a massage tops it but I bet I would sit around wondering what I should do to make best use of my time!!
I think I would go to Starbucks, get myself a venti latte and then sit out in my yard with a book and read, in total peace and quiet. Pure luxury!