I have been a domestic engineer for 6 years.  I’d like to think I’m good at what I do, but some days I’m not so sure.  Here are my…

Top 10 Reasons Why I Won’t Be Nominated For Domestic Engineer of the Year

10)  Some days “making the beds” means using the comforter to hide the disheveled sheets.

9)  I don’t know how to sew.  I’d rather buy a new pair of pants than mend a hole in the knee.

8)  I don’t serve my children the recommended daily servings of vegetables.  If I did, I’d just be wasting food.

7)  My iron gets used only for my husband’s uniforms.  Since he left for deployment, the iron hasn’t seen the light of day.

6)  Sometimes I’m thankful for the rain that cancels my son’s baseball practice.  He loves practice and I enjoy watching him play, but it’s exhausting spending an hour and a half chasing after his sister as she tries to run onto the field to play with the big boys.

5)  What do you mean plants need water?

4)  I have never baked a cake.  I can cook a gourmet dinner, but I can’t bake a cake.

3)  When the kids are with a baby-sitter, I don’t think about them.  I’d like to say it’s because I fully trust my sitter, but it’s mainly because I’m selfishly enjoying my limited time as just myself, not someone’s mommy.

2)  I hate cleaning.  With every fiber of my being.

1)  I have no problem telling little white lies to my children.  I see no harm in claiming the toy aisles are closed if it keeps them from throwing tantrums the second we enter Wal-Mart.

What tops your list?

  This post has been linked to Top 10 Tuesday at Oh Amanda.

20 Comments on Top 10 Reasons Why I Won’t Be Nominated For Domestic Engineer of the Year

  1. I LOVE this list. I'm not married (yet) nor do I have kids (yet, again), but I totally agree. I hate doing dishes and putting clothes away. I don't cook or sew and I am just now learning the basics of making a good dinner. It's a riot how un-domesticated I really am.

    This list really made me smile, thanks for sharing!

  2. I haven't ironed in YEARS, literally! I moved the ironing board from the closet to the garage. We buy only "wrinkle-free" clothes for my hubby!

    Fun list! I'm right there with you, no awards for me. LOL

  3. I think that is what makes you domestic engineer of the year…honestly, you sound like a mother who does what she can to hold things together!

  4. 10) I too hate ironing. Washing. Cooking. Cleaning.

    9) I loathe folding the clothes. I think I would rather clean the toilets than fold the clothes!

    8) I am not a great cook. When I met my husband I used to burn ice-cubes. Now I am able to make a 4 course dinner, but it is never for guests, just for my household, as I am too shy/scared to cook for others.

    7) I have learned never to wash my husbands uniforms (which is great because now I don't have to iron them either). About 4 months after we got married, I washed his uniform the night before he had to start at a new school, and I left a pen in his pocket. The whole uniform was ruined and he had to go to school with ink stains all over him until he could get to the uniform shop that morning.

    6) My first child, since the age of 3, has been getting their own breakfast of cereal and milk by themself, if needed. They also learned how the remote control worked and the DVD player. (sometimes mommy needed to sleep a little longer in the morning)

    5) I DO NOT mow the lawn!

    4) I DO NOT fix electrical appliances including computers. If the computer shuts down/crashes/locks up, then it is down until my husband comes home… and that could be all of a 6 month deployment.

    3) I am not a neat freak. If there are things on the floor and it is sunny outside, then I will go outside and enjoy the day. I WILL NOT waste a beautiful day indoors cleaning.

    2) I do not tolerate people in my house complaining about my house or how I do things in my house. If you do not like the way I do things, then please go back to your own house.

    1) My children believe that I am 25. They never need to know the truth that I am actually just a wee bit older, they just need to think forever, that I am 25. (There is nothing wrong with little white lies – they never hurt anyone!!)

  5. LOVE it! I don't waste my time cooking and serving the recommended daily dose of vegetables and fruits either because they will not get eaten. I tell my daughter the toy shop is closed when I don't want to go there and I also tell her that Applebees is closed nearly all the time because thanks to my husband who for some reason took her there a couple of times it is her favorite restaurant and my least favorite! I cannot sew either.

  6. Great list! I too hate cleaning with every fiber of my being, I NEVER iron anything (that's what dryers are for, right?), and I couldnt keep a plant alive if it were fake! I can however, bake and I love to do so often. I dont have kiddos yet, but Im all for the little white lies to make everyone's day a little better. =)

  7. Lol ! Praying for rain now and again only makes you human (-:

    Now, can you really cook a gourmet meal?because I'm already jealous that you actually get out of the house once in a while!

  8. I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't make cakes and skimps on the veggies. My kids have also probably seen every episode of sponge bob ever made. Otherwise the house would never get clean (I mean "clean.")

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