
Patience: My One-Word Resolution for 2021

In 2017 I decided to ditch the idea of New Year’s Resolutions in exchange for one simple word. That word would carry me through the new year, reminding me of all I wanted it to represent based on my past, present and future. As I continue to collect annual words, they’ve gone beyond resolutions and […] Read more…

My 2019 Year In Review

“For last year’s words belong to last year’s language  And next year’s words await another voice.” ~T.S. Eliot Another year is about to start, and as we reflect on the year we’re about to leave behind, I wanted to look back on 2019 with another Roller Coaster year in review. So what did my 2019 […] Read more…

Roller Coaster 2018 Year in Review

“Year’s end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us.” ~Hal Borland ‘Tis the season for year in review posts. And now that we’re mere hours away from a new year, I thought I’d join in on my personal walk down the […] Read more…

Wellness: My One-Word Resolution for 2018

A new year has rolled around once again. And like most people, I spent the last few weeks of 2017 reflecting on the year about to close and outlining goals for the new year to come.  Did I do everything I hoped I would do in 2017? Did I learn any lessons to bring with […] Read more…

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