My children consider movies special treats. I try to reserve them for emergencies: rainy Sunday afternoons, nights when I co-op baby-sitting with friends, or recovery from busy weeks. But sadly, I usually use the kids’ special treat as a special treat for myself. It’s my chance to get things done without interruption. Whether it’s catching up on laundry, creating my weekly grocery list, or returning phone calls, I never manage to sit still to enjoy the movie with my children. Today, I am going to give the washing machine a rest, save the grocery list for later, and turn off the ringer. I can’t wait to snuggle with my kids and watch a movie through their eyes.
Movie night didn’t exactly go as planned. It started off perfectly. My husband converted the couch to a bed and laid out cozy blankets. The kids made bathroom runs. I popped up a huge batch of popcorn. And we all snuggled together to watch “Ratatouille.”
17 minutes into the movie, my husband’s work phone rang. 21 minutes in, Big C wanted water. 22 and a half minutes in, Little C wanted milk. 47 minutes in, the popcorn was annihilated, and Big C wanted yogurt. 48 and a half minutes in, Little C wanted yogurt. By the time the movie was wrapping up, my husband was asleep, I was toasting a mini bagel for Big C and retrieving more yogurt for Little C (which she rejected once I opened it), those cozy blankets were the source of a tug-of-war, and I had missed most of the movie.
At least I can tell myself that it wasn’t my own inability to sit still that led to the failure of today’s mission. What is it about watching a movie that induces hunger?! I guess the next time I attempt movie night, my revised goal should be to park a mini fridge next to the bed and inform the kids that their short order cook is taking the night off.
THank you for your sweet comment on my blog. So glad you found me!! Enjoy your movie with your kids, everything else can wait!!
I'm glad I found you too! Thanks for your comment…you're right, everything else can wait.