I never yell at my children. And my children are perfect angels who never disobey direct orders, keep impeccably tidy rooms, always eat their vegetables, and never ever stuff almost an entire roll of toilet paper in the toilet.
So yeah, occasionally I yell at my children. Doesn’t every mom have to resort to raising her voice at some point? Sometimes I feel like I have to yell just so I can be heard over their yelling. There are times when the yelling produces the desired effect, but there are times when I’m just wasting my breath and frustrating myself even more. So does yelling really work to discipline misbehaving children?
No yelling today. Maybe I’ll try the opposite and whisper. They have to quiet down just to hear me right?
I have to admit that I did yell once today. But I promise it was for safety reasons. If you saw your 2-year-old daughter yanking a cord out of an electrical outlet, I think you’d yell to get her attention too.
But proudly, there was no other yelling. Between the 2 C’s, there were 3 time-outs, 1 stern discussion, and a very early bedtime. But no yelling. Unfortunately though, the whispering tactic didn’t quite work. They either didn’t hear me or they did a very good job of ignoring me. I consider this quite an accomplishment considering our recent circumstances: 5 days in a row stuck in the house due to floor refinishing followed immediately by 4 days stuck in the house due to an unusual snow storm, all of which included 1 missing daddy and 3 sick dependents. I swear if I have to spend another full day in this house, I’ll probably be yelling at myself.
I use to be a preschool teacher… the whisper TOTALLY works with a large group of kids! Funny thing is, I never even tried it with my own. 🙂
Thank you for stopping by my blog 🙂
Yes, another military spouse 🙂
We all need to stick together!!:)
I got yer back Momma!