Ordinarily, I’m a pretty organized person. My photos are neatly housed in multi-colored boxes, sitting in chronological order and labeled with memorable events. My hanging clothes are arranged by season and color. And the basket that sits on my desk, well, some might call that a mess, but if you ask me for a black Sharpie or an iPod charger, I know exactly where to find it.

Because I like everything to be in its proper place, our bedroom closets drive me bonkers. Our clothes have been playing musical rooms for the last year and a half (don’t ask, it’s a long and boring story). At the moment, my clothes are mostly in the master bedroom, but hubby’s clothes are spread between the master, the guest room, and Big C’s room. Today I’m going to reorganize the closets so that we don’t have to room hop just to get dressed in the morning. And just in time for hubby to come home!!

Closets organized. Husband home. Kids in bed. All is right with the world.

Have you ever seen these things?  You can fit up to 12 pairs of shoes in the pockets, zip it up (no dust!), and shove it under your bed.  One for my shoes, one for hubby’s, and tons more room on the closet floor.  Love it!!

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