Big C’s baseball season is officially over. After a disappointing loss in the championship game of the playoffs, he received his trophy, bid farewell to his teammates, and retired his cleats that will be too small the next time he’ll need them. No more late practices. No more hot games.
When the season first started in April, I wrote about
my dissatisfaction with the coaching methods, practice times, and favoritism. I feared we wouldn’t make it through the season, that I’d yank Big C off the team before the first game. Although, I ended the season still resenting the practice times and the blatant favoritism toward the coaches’ sons, I’m not only thankful we stuck it out, but I plan to request the same coaches next year if Big C chooses to play baseball again.
I don’t know when or why my change of heart occurred. Maybe it was the kindness of a third assistant coach and a volunteer father who took Big C under their wings. Maybe it was seeing my son’s athletic improvements. Maybe it was the fact that he didn’t care about practice times or the lack of attention he received compared to other teammates. He just wanted to play ball.
As strange as it sounds, I think I did more maturing this baseball season than Big C did. I’m proud to say I wasn’t that mom screaming at her son from behind the dugout (although I was tempted to during those innings when Big C was
sitting in the outfield playing with the grass instead of preparing himself for a grounder). And I wasn’t that mom complaining to the coaches that her son was bored in the outfield. Sure I would have loved to see Big C get more action during games. However, I knew it would cause him less psychological damage to be bored than to be clobbered by balls hit to the infield.
I tried my hardest not to be that mom who lives vicariously through her child. I stifled my nerves when Big C was at bat. I bit my tongue when the scary assistant coach yelled at him. I walked away when Big C got hit in the face with a ball (3 TIMES) so he could learn to shake it off without the embarrassment of Mommy hugging him. And I ignored the fact that he got very little attention from the head coach compared to the better players.
This season was my first taste of being a sports mom, and I never expected to go through such emotions. And I’m in awe of my parents, who endured years of shuttling me and my brother to swim meets, baseball games, and the half a dozen other sports we attempted. The older I get and the longer I’m a parent, the more appreciation I have for my parents, for all the sacrifices they made for me and for all they taught me.
I have to admit I’m relieved that we don’t have baseball practice to attend tonight. Now I just need to get over the new mommy emotions that hit me today as I dropped Big C off for his 1st day of summer camp. Do we ever get used to these mommy emotions? Does letting go of our babies ever get easier?
Simple answer, no. My son loved baseball right up until he hit highschool. He came to me one day and told me he was embarrassed to play on the team where the parents acted immature and he just didn't want to be a part of something like that. I have to admit I agreed. We always had and have one rule in our family. If you start something you have to see it through, "Hartings don't quit" Well he got through the season and said he was done. After quitting the team he joined ROTC and it was the most rewarding adventure he ever took. He became a much stronger person and learned more teamwork and leadership skills than he ever did in all the sports he played. He played them all and was pretty good. Take your cues from your child. Its hard to let go, in 7 weeks I drop my only child off at college. My husband will be here thankfully so we can share the heartache. Knowing he is doing something postive still doesn't make it easier. He will always be that little boy eagerly running off to kindergarten with his big ole back pack yelling "love you mommy" Boy it sure goes fast!
Oh that's great! I'm glad it all worked out 🙂
Answer your questions, no not really but that is the journey of parenthood. I think that while some things get easier, there will be new challenges to face. =)
I am glad that the season got better for everyone =)
Oh dear, it doesn't get easier. Just wait till they are about to be married off. I saw my tough dad break down in tears. He never cries for anything.
Musings Of An Army Wife
Trust us…it never gets easier, especially when your "baby" is on the other side of the world.
aww what a sweet post! And I don't think you ever get used to the mommy "emotions" or watching your babies grow up. 🙂
Glad you (both) stuck it out. Sounds like it was really quite rewarding. I hope I can do as much for my kids one day.
You are a wonderful Mom. Sounds like you and your son have grown so very much from this experience and I am so very glad things turned out so well for him as the season progressed. Lovely post.
i'm guessing no – it NEVER does.
Once your baby, ALWAYS your baby. Whether they like it or not!
Congrats on the growing up.