It’s Week #2 of Wife of a Sailor’s MilSpouse Friday Fill-In!  If you’re a mil spouse (or significant other), go check out her new meme and get to know some of the other awesome mil spouses out there!  She posts questions every Thursday.  All you have to do is answer them in a blog post on Friday and link up on her blog.  Hope to see you all on the list!  This week’s questions are: 1. Tell us about your dream job… one that you could do regardless of pay.If money were no object, I’d definitely be a writer.  I’ve been writing poems and short stories since I was old enough to hold a pencil.  I’d love to write novels and children’s books.    2. What is your most prized material possession (kids and pets don’t count!)?My photo boxes.  I have pictures dating back from my elementary school years.  Every now and then I’ll sit down and go through those boxes so I can relive times like meeting my husband and having my children.    3. What has been your favorite duty station and why?Hands down Japan.  When my husband got orders to PCS to Japan, I freaked out.  I had never been out of the country, and I had no idea how I would manage living so far from family and friends.  But it was the most amazing experience of my life.  It gave me the opportunity to learn about a different culture and travel to places I never would have dreamed of visiting, like Thailand and Korea.  And of course Japan holds a special place in my heart because my daughter was born there.  4. What is your least favorite household chore?Do I have to choose just one?  Ok, least favorite…cleaning in the hidden nooks and crannies.  I don’t mind general vacuuming and mopping and dusting.  But it’s getting all the dirt and dust under the couches, under the beds, in the corners of the kitchen that kills me.    5. If you could give one piece of advice to a teenager today (not specifically a MilTeen), what would it be?Don’t squander your youth.  I took so many things for granted when I was a teenager.  I wasted time wishing I was older, and now that I am older, I wish I had taken advantage of certain opportunites and enjoyed being young. 

8 Comments on MilSpouse Friday Fill-In

  1. Oh I love my photo boxes too! Pictures are so important. Although more and more I find that I don't print most of my pictures and they are all stashed on my external hard drive and hidden away in our safe…just in case.

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Oh I would love to go to Japan!!! I think a visit is the only way we will get there. I hate the nooks and crannies too! Yuck!

    I think you would write a fantastic book! I hope you make the opportunity to do that one day…

  3. I find it fascinating that you loved Japan so much as it is so very different but then I guess that is also such an attraction. As for household chores, cleaning bathrooms, that is a job I absolutely hate. Your advice for teenagers, so very true. Make the most of every stage of life is what I would say, each one is different and unique and offers its own rewards.

  4. Ooooh! Ooooh!! I want to hear more details about living in Japan. A good friend of mine was an exchange student there during high school and loved it. I spent a sememster abroad in Chile during college. It was one of the best times of my life.

  5. We hope to go to Japan eventually. Unfortunately, it won't be while Huzzy is active duty, it'll have to be after I do.

    Thanks for participating again this week and helping spread the word. You totally rock!

  6. I'd love for us to be stationed in Japan…I had Misawa on my dream sheet when I was in. I was down for Misawa, Rammstein, Aviano, Elmendorf & Kadena I think. I think I'd still love to see all those places. So far no overseas stations, but we just started this adventure really.

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