In a few short weeks my life is going to drastically change.  After 6 years of being a full-time Domestic Engineer, I’m going back to work as a kindergarten teacher.  (So basically I’m leaving my own kids to spend my days with other people’s kids!)  It will be a huge adjustment for everyone in the family.  I’m starting to get nervous, but I’m excited too.

Here are my… 

 Top 10 Reasons Why I’m Excited About Going Back to Work  

10)  Adding a new title to my resume.  Sure I love being a Domestic Engineer, but it’ll be nice to wear another hat.

9)  I’ll finally be using those degrees I worked so hard to earn.

8)  I’ll have daily social interaction with people other than my 2-year-old. 

7)  Life will have a completely different pace.  I may not be thrilled the first couple of weeks when my alarm is blaring in my ear, but in general, I’m looking forward to having a set work week with regular hours. 

6)  I get to buy a new wardrobe!

5)  I’ll have a change of scenery.  I love my house, but I think I’ll appreciate home more if I’m not always in it.

4)  Little C will go to preschool.  She’s a very social little girl, and I know she’s bored hanging out with me all the time.  She’s going to love school and making new friends.

3)  My job will give me the intellectual stimulation I’ve been missing.

2)  Extra money!

1)  I’ll gain a sense of accomplishment and pride for doing an important job that helps other people.

What are you excited about this week? 


14 Comments on Top 10 Reasons Why I’m Excited About Going Back to Work

  1. Wow. I am so happy and excited for you. It is a sad time,but also exciting. How wonderful you are blessed with finding a job. In our state, there are 500 teachers applying for every teaching job. GOOD LUCK!!!

  2. Many congrats & well wishes!

    Can't say that I am really looking for anything beyond sleep. Unfortunately to get that good sleep, one must be dopped up on pain meds following dental surgery (tomorrow). Yuck!

  3. I am so excited and proud of you!!!! That is so awesomesauce! I think that once you go back to school, you need to do a weekly top 10 list of the crazy things that kindergarteners say…is that even how you spell that word? Don't juduge my lack of spelling ablity please.

  4. Exciting. I've been thinking about going back to work lately but I really can't think of any reasons other than we need the money 🙁 Ugh…

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