I haven’t seen my parents since July. So when they came to visit for a few days this past weekend for Big C’s birthday party, I tried to enjoy and appreciate the short time we were able to spend together. My parents and I have always been very close. Well, maybe we hit some rough patches in my teenage years, but in general, we’ve always had a great relationship. I talk to them every single day, usually twice a day, but talking on the phone just isn’t the same as a visit. It’s amazing to see how that parent/child dynamic has changed over the years. My parents have gone from being my caregivers to my friends. And I can only hope that I’ll have the same kind of relationship with my own children. Here are my… Top 10 Reasons Why I Love When My Parents Visit
10) They give awesome redecorating tips and offer extra hands for moving furniture. Our house never looks the same after they visit!
9) Unlike typical house guests, they don’t expect me to be a hostess or entertain them. They are more than content to sit on the couch and just visit.
8) My mother sits through “fashion shows” as I try on all my clothes and she helps me decide which clothes to get rid of and which to keep.
7) My father helps Mr. Roller Coaster with yard work and other outside activities that I’m not so great at, like holding the ladder (which isn’t so easy when it includes watching helplessly as a tree limb knocks that ladder over and my husband falls out of the tree).
6) Even though I’ve retold and heard stories from my childhood a million times, it never gets old laughing about them again.
5) My parents still dote on me and pamper me.
4) They dote on and pamper my kids too.
3) I’m able to see my kids through their grandparents eyes. Their perspective helps me to see the humor in behavior that would typically frustrate me and other cute things I might otherwise overlook because I see them every day and my parents don’t.
2) Free baby-sitters!
1) It’s always fun to share a bottle of wine (or 2 or 3).
Whose out-of-town visits do you love?

Aww this is very sweet. Sounds like you have some wonderful parents who love you very much! I wish every family could be like that. It's definitely something to strive for.
Mostly, I miss my friends. We always end up in a less-than-desireable place for them to use much needed vacation time, so it's hard to get them to come where I live. My best friend hasn't seen my house since 1999. And she's been my BFF since we were 10 (I'm 32 now.) It's always more interesting for me to go to them, so I do.
I too love it when my parents come visit! They are divorced so it's not at the same time but the visits are still special. My dad will be coming out in April and I am SO excited as it will have been six months!
LOVE this post! My Dad visited me yesterday and it meant so much to me! Genuinely glad to find you today via blogfrog. Just by reading the titles to your posts I know I will love you blog 🙂 The design is excellent for your blog too! Have a great day! Come visit me at familybringsjoy.com
My parents haven't been able to visit us yet. I can't wait for them to come down!
So sweet! My dad and brother are coming in April! I can't wait 🙂
I love parental visits glad you got one!
I also love when my mom and step dad come to visit, I don't have to entertain them at all, or feel like I have to! It's always great!
I also enjoy have my parents visit, too. Of your top ten list, #'s 2 & 3 are my favorites.
Adorable 🙂 What great parents! ♥
I enjoy when my family comes over too… except they live 100 yards away from our house. Usually when my mom picks up my daughter from our house our lil one is bathed and ready for bed when returned.
Thanks for the visit and follow from the hop… I am new follower of yours. Hope your week gets better (from reading the post before this one)