Tomorrow is Military Spouse Appreciation Day! And that means that tomorrow is also the 2012 Military Spouse Appreciation Day Blog Hop co-hosted by yours truly and Household 6 Diva.
So what the heck is an introduction post and why do I need it? Well, what happens in a blog hop is that a whole bunch of people hop around the blogosphere meeting other bloggers just like you as a type of virtual meet and greet. And what do you do in a meet and greet? You introduce yourself! That’s what you need to do for tomorrow. Write a little post telling all of your new visitors about yourself. This is called your party post. When Household 6 Diva and I put up the linky tomorrow, you will copy the link to your party post (NOT the main link to your blog!) and paste it into the linky (I promise the linky is self-explanatory). Then you stroll around the list and read all the other fun party posts, leaving sweet comments as you go like you would handshakes and smiles.
Need an idea of what to write and how long your party post should be? Well, here’s how my intro goes…
In case you don’t know me, I go by Wife on the Roller Coaster but I also respond to Roller Coaster or just plain old RC. I decided to name my blog Riding the Roller Coaster because I always found myself telling people what a roller coaster ride military life is, with its ups and downs and unpredictability. After 2 and a half years of blogging, I’d say that name still fits.
I blog anonymously so you rarely get a whole lot of personal details out of me. I’m a military spouse rapidly approaching my late 30’s. My husband is an active-duty service member, and we’ve been married for 12 years. We have 2 military brats: Big C is our 8-year-old son and Little C is our 4-year-old daughter. I’m currently winding down my second year of teaching kindergarten, and I’m a freelance writer in my spare time. (Spare time? Really. What’s that?!)
I typically blog about whatever comes to mind. That includes, but is not limited to: military life, motherhood, the nose-picking of my students, the cattiness of my co-workers, the naughtiness of my Labrador Retriever, my love for top 10 lists, my addiction to half marathons, and my dream that one day I’ll be able to balance it all.
I’m pretty active on Facebook, so you can visit me over there. I have a Twitter account too, but honestly, I don’t really get Twitter. Facebook is way more fun in my opinion.
So that’s me in a nutshell. Feel free to share pictures in your party post too. Everyone loves pictures.
Thanks for stopping by! Now get started on your party post, and I’ll see you tomorrow! And don’t forget to post the blog hop button either in your party post or your sidebar (can’t win a giveaway without out)!
Click HERE to get the blog hop button code.
Great intro! I way prefer FB than Twitter too. Twitter is too busy for me.
FB is SO much better than Twitter! I know you said it easy and all but this "link to your party post" still has me confused. Is it like we post our blog button somewhere? Sorry it's my first blog hop so I'm confused and excited all at the same time
The Flight Crew: don't worry, you'll see it all tomorrow and it will make more sense. You write your party post. After you publish it, click on the title of your post and then go to the top of your screen and right click on the web address. Click Copy. Then go to the linky on either my page or Ann Marie's. YOu'll see a list called a linky. Scroll down until you get to the bottom, and it should say something like "now it's your turn" or "add your link to the list." Just follow the directions. You'll be pasting your address wherever it says blog post adress. You'll also type in a title, which will I would advise is just the name of your blog. Click enter, and you're on the list! HOpe this makes sense. I promise it will make more sense when you see it!! ๐
Thanks for the walk-through!
I wrote a post about what being a milspouse means to me…is that ok? I didn't realize it was an introduction kind of thing ๐ Please let me know if I shouldn't link it up! Thanks.
Mrs. K I think that is perfectly appropriate for the occassion today! Maybe if you have an "About Me" page you can include a link to that too. ๐ Have fun hopping today!
Love Facebook way better then twitter. I made an account & haven't used it in two years-lol
Thanks so much for doing this bloghop! It's such a cool idea. I just grabbed a button and posted my into post. Happy MilSpouse Appreciation Day!
Am I missing the linky somewhere? Or am I just way too excited and a bit too early? ๐
It's nice to "meet you!" I'm totally the opposite. Some days I totally prefer Twitter over FB lol
Happy Military Spouse Appreciation Day! These blog hops are such a great way to get to know others in our community, across the US and around the world. Thank you! – Leanne from Our Letters to You, a Military Family blog (
I found it! I was way early ๐ Thank you so much for helping throw such a cool party!
I also have a Facebook and Twitter account. I like both, but I'm on Facebook more.
So excited to join in (and maybe even more excited about the giveaways!). Happy MilSpouse Appreciation Day to you!!
Thank you so much for hosting this blog hop. I have never done one before, but you and Household6 prompted it well this time around! Plus who doesn't want to meet and mingle with other supportive military spouses on this special day?
I have been following you for a while, so it is nice to re-meet you. ๐
Also, I am having trouble figuring out the code for the button to place in the side bar. I clicked the link you have above, but I can't figure out where to find the code (I must be showing my true colors with how much I do NOT know about blogging and formatting haha). I would love to figure that out so I have a chance in this giveway.
Nice to meet you through the Military Spouse Appreciation blog hop! I'm now following you. I hope you can visit my blog when you get a chance:
Sometimes I wish I did the whole blogging this anonymous!
Hello! Many thanks to you and to HH6Diva for hosting this blog party! It's nice to finally talk to you, I've been a long time reader and a first time commenter. I love your writing!
Thanks for all you do as a military spouse, and for what you are doing for our bloggie community here!
From Anastasia @
thanks to you and Household 6 Diva for sponsoring this bloghop! It's a great chance to meet new milspouses, I don't live on base and live far from any other spouses in my hubby's squadron so blogging community has really been my only support! Thanks again! Happy MilSpouse Appreciation Day and Have a Happy Mother's Day!
I prefer FB to Twitter also. Half the time I forget I even have a Twitter.
Thanks for the blog hop! It's been fun!
Thank-you guys for hosting this! Unfortunatley I didn't get to participate – I was a little preoccupied with my husband's BCT graduation ๐ But I'm so excited for the feedback you guys got! And I can't wait to check out some new blogs!!
I am a little late posting on everyone's blog but thank you so much for the hosting the Blog Hop! I met some amazing people!!! I can't wait to read more of your post! One of your new followers.
From Amanda @