I love my children very much. And they’re generally well-behaved, well-mannered, all around pretty good kids. But as much as I love them, I DO NOT love traveling with them, especially when my husband isn’t traveling with us. I’ve done my fair share of traveling with the kids by myself, and it’s always left me stressed, exhausted, and […] Read more…
Top 10 Favorite Roller Coaster Facebook Status Updates Part II
Last year I wrote a top 10 list of my favorite status updates on Facebook. It was pretty funny scrolling through months of status updates and reading friends’ comments as I collected my favorites for the list. Because I had so much fun the first time, I thought I’d throw together a sequel. So here […] Read more…
How Pinterest Is Helping Me Bond With My Son
I joined Pinterest a couple of months ago. And just as I suspected I would, I went crazy for the first couple of weeks, pinning this and pinning that. I pinned recipes and quotes. I created boards for the important roles I play: mil spouse, mom, teacher, runner, writer. I even started pinning my favorite top 10 […] Read more…
Mom, Do You Know What S-E-X Spells?
“Today I don’t feel like doing anything. I just wanna lay in my bed.” You might recognize those lyrics from Bruno Mars’ “The Lazy Song.” I too recognized those words the other day as my newly turned 8-year-old son sang them at the kitchen table while doing his homework. “Nothing at all. Ooh hoo. Ooh […] Read more…
Happy 8th Birthday Big C (a day early)
Tomorrow is my baby boy’s birthday. But I can’t exactly call him my baby boy anymore because he’s turning 8 years old. I know we all say this as moms, but really, where did the time go?! I remember the 24 hours leading up to Big C’s birth like it was just a few days ago…. …The unexpected doctor’s visit […] Read more…
The Great Mamma Mia Debate
There always seems to be a debate in my house. I guess that’s par for the course when you have a 4-year-old girl and a 7-year-old boy. Those kids are ALWAYS fighting over something, always duking it out to prove who has the coolest toy/biggest muscles/smartest brain. You name it, they debate it. Every day it […] Read more…