
Top 10 Things I Feel Guilty About

Yesterday I wrote about feeling guilty for lounging on the couch and reading a magazine instead of using my unexpected free time more wisely and productively.  It got me thinking about all the other guilt trips I put on myself.  So here are my… Top 10 Things I Feel Guilty About 10)  I feel guilty that […] Read more…

The Story of Good-byes: Raising Military Brats

“You know who my first girlfriend was?” I was minding my own business, grading papers at my desk during free time the other day when one my students decided to pour his heart out to me.  “Your first girlfriend?”  I asked, stifling a chuckle.  “Hmmm, no I don’t think I know who your first girlfriend was.” “My […] Read more…

I Know You Are But What Am I?!

I think I’d rather be burned alive while someone plucked out my eyelashes and sliced my Achilles tendons than relive my teenage years.  The crazy hormones, the awkwardness of changing bodies, the shaky self-esteem, the wardrobe anxiety, and of course, the catty, gossipy, backstabbing girls who were sweet as sugar to your face (or at least to […] Read more…

Back To School, Adam Sandler Style

The 2011-2012 school year kicked off this week.  And while I was more than ready to send my children back to school, I wasn’t quite ready to go back to work.  Lesson plans, alarm clocks, curriculum meetings.  My summer of leisure is officially over. But as I’m sure you all know, I’m all about finding […] Read more…

Top 10 Summer Goals Revisited

Well, here I am in my last week of summer freedom.  School starts up next week, and I will resume my duties as a kindergarten teacher.  Where in the world did the summer disappear to?!  I have to admit I’m more than ready for my kids to go back to school, but I’m not quite […] Read more…

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