Well, here I am in my last week of summer freedom.  School starts up next week, and I will resume my duties as a kindergarten teacher.  Where in the world did the summer disappear to?!  I have to admit I’m more than ready for my kids to go back to school, but I’m not quite ready to go back myself.
Way back in May, I posted a top 10 list of reasons I couldn’t wait until summer as I daydreamed about all the things I planned to do during my break from school.  Since this is my last top 10 list before the school year kicks off, I thought I’d revisit that post and assess my accomplishments.  Did I do everything I hoped to do during my time off from work?
Let’s see.  Here are my…

Top 10 Summer Goals Revisited  

10) Lazy nights outside with bottles of wine, fireflies, and good conversation…I don’t think Mr. Roller Coaster and I did this a single time.  And we even bought new patio furniture!  I’m blaming this fail on the weather.  It was way too hot and sticky to sit outside.  And I think all the mosquitos ate the fireflies.

9) I’ll be able to spend more time with my friends, friends I feel like I’ve neglected since going back to work…I thought I was doing pretty well on this one.  But I just realized that I’ve been spending time with one friend.  Friend singular.  I’ve had a blast catching up with my best friend, but sadly, I think I’m still neglecting my other friends. 
8) I’ll be able to spend time with own my kids instead of other people’s kids…This one definitely came true.  I spent A LOT of time with my kids.  WAY TOO MUCH time with my kids.  So much time that I think we’re all sick of each other.
7) I can go to the gym every day and attend all the spinning classes I used to go to…Heck yeah!  I barely missed a day at the gym.  I loved being back in my old spinning classes, I joined a running club, and I made some new friends (which I’ll surely neglect once I go back to work).  I’m in the best shape I’ve been in for over a year!  And now, as far as my pals at the gym are concerned, I’m about to fall off the face of the earth.  I will so miss my daily morning workouts.
6) I won’t have to fight with Little C every morning over the clothes she refuses to wear…Who was I kidding wishing for this one?  Every morning is still a fight.  And she still walks out the door wearing leggings in 100 degree heat.  What kid doesn’t want to wear shorts in the summertime?  That would be my kid.
5) I won’t have to fight with Big C every afternoon over the homework he refuses to complete…The homework fight turned into the Wii/computer fight.  The “But Mom, I don’t want to do my homework” routine was replaced by the just as whiny “But Mom, I need to get to the next level on {fill in the blank game}.”  I can’t decide which is worse.
4) I’ll be writing more posts for various websites (and hopefully a book!) instead of lesson plans…I think I actually wrote LESS this summer than I did when I was working.  How is that possible?  This was supposed to be the summer of book writing.  Never got past the rough outline.
3) I can once again spend my days at the community pool…After my daughter almost drowned at swim lessons and my son failed the swim test (he was robbed, he totally passed it!), we didn’t spend a whole lot of time at the pool.  Maybe next summer.
2) I’ll have FREE TIME. Wow, I almost forgot what that means. I’ll have time to read books, shop in real stores instead of virtual ones, and dare I say, relax a little…Free time?  Yeah, that’s a myth.  No such thing.  Doesn’t exist.  Except for a 4 day vacation, my days were jam-packed with stuff I can’t even remember doing.  Did I read more books?  Nope.  Did I shop in real stores?  Let’s just say it’s a good thing my kids have some weather appropriate school clothes that still fit.  And did I relax a little?  Ok, so maybe I did relax.  A little.
1) No alarms sounding at 5:45 AM!…No alarms.  Just a new puppy in the process of housetraining.  I felt like I had a newborn again.  And soon that alarm will once again be sounding at 5:45 AM while my puppy tells me he has to go potty by sitting on my head.  Well, at least I’ll never oversleep.
How was your summer?  Did you do everything you wanted to do?

6 Comments on Top 10 Summer Goals Revisited

  1. Ha. I was just thinking today, how unfair it is that furry creatures without higher reasoning skills determine my sleep schedule. Yesterday, they actually let me go back to sleep after the 6:30 wakeup. It was glorious. I think it was my only one for the month, though.

  2. Thank you for coming over to mommy2nanny3doggy1
    as far my summer list goes yea didn't do much of it lol then again. I do have 5 kids all summer lol. I did do one thing I wanted ans that was to read Sarah's key and the whole Harry potter set again. I did the HP set before the premier in July and Sarah's key which is phenomenal last week other then that going to the beach more findingnew ice cream shops and takiing the dog for more walks poor Basset lol.
    Oh and I posted once about the whole clothes and other battles the way ilook at it is there is battles you fight and battles u don't clothes is one of them to me. My youngest refuses at the age kf 4 to wear. Anything with color she likes black and gray with pink of k am lucky lol its just something that I look at that is their personality lol as weird as they may be lol and I can't gfc follow right now BC I'm only phone but I wanted to say thanks for stopping by anyway and ill come back tonight.

  3. Haha 🙂 I think you did pretty darn well, Momma!! BEST of luck starting the new school year. Hope it is off to a fabulous beginning, and I am sure you will have some great stories to share as the year progresses!!

  4. k..i am totally going back to check my list i had blogged at the beginning of summer and see how i did!

    my kid NEVER wanted to wear shorts in the summer..used to drive me nuts..he is 19 now..so if he wants to sweat to death-by all means..lol

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