Have you heard about the Blizzard Bloghop? Ann Marie over at Household 6 Diva is hosting this awesome blog hop so go on over and join in! Just make sure you post a brief introduction about yourself, link up at Household 6 Diva, and enjoy the meet and greet throughout the weekend.
I’ll keep my intro short and sweet…I go by Wife on the Roller Coaster, and I blog about whatever comes to mind. I’m a military spouse, a mother of a 6-year-old boy and a 3-year-old girl, a kindergarten teacher, a freelance writer, and of course, a blogger. I may be a teacher by trade, but I’m a writer at heart. I’ve written for awesome websites like Blue Star Families, PBS’s POV blog Regarding War, and Mamapedia. Hopefully one of these days I’ll get around to writing that novel that’s completely written in my head.
That’s me in a nutshell. If you’re stopping by from the blog hop, leave me a comment to say hello. You can also find me at my Blog Frog community, my Facebook page, and Twitter.
Thanks for stopping by the roller coaster!
From the bloghop.. I so want to be a teacher. It's such an amazing career!!!
Hey there from the Blizzard Bloghop! Thanks for visiting my blog too! I'm looking forward to getting to know you and learning from you and your experience as a milspouse.
Nicole at http://www.brownspartyoffive.blogspot.com
Hello from the Blizzard!!! Thank you for stopping by Planting Shade earlier, I really love your blog! Look at your miss writer, I can't wait to follow along on your ride!
Hey! I'm already a follower, just thought I would say hey when I say your blog hop post!
I love that you can so easily call yourself a writer. I have a hard time with that. I look forward to reading some of your writes.
Love the way you write and the great, upbeat look of your blog! So happy to "meet" you through the BlogHop!
Can't wait for my signed copy of your book ;0)
It's going to be great!!
It's nice to meet you!
Love your blog! You're an excellent writer. Good to meet you!
Anastasia@ http://wildbluewonders.blogspot.com/
Definitely roller coaster….I like that! Makes it easier for civilians to relate I think…thanks for stopping by during the Bloghop! I didn't even have to crack open a book the last two nights, reading all the wonderful posts and stories:-)
Thanks for stopping by my blog today! I'm signed up to follow you on twitter, facebook and GFC. I am looking forward to reading more. Thanks for your husband's service, and your family's sacrifice for our country. God Bless.
Thanks for stopping by. I think I'll have to be a follower 'cause you've got some interesting things to write about. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by my place … I'm following you now too 😎 Enjoy hopping.
I am returning your follow through the blog hop. Thanks for following me.
I'm coming from the blog hop, nice to meet ya!!! I'm now following too!
Nice to meet you.