The holiday season is upon us! People are busy shopping for the perfect gifts for loved ones, finalizing travel plans, decorating their homes, and cuddling up on the couch for that special holiday movie. And somewhere amidst all the chaos, we bloggers still manage to find the time to write about it.
In the spirit of bringing friends together during the holiday season, I thought I’d bring some of my mil spouse bloggy friends together to share our thoughts about the holidays. And what better way to do that than a blog swap. So I proudly present to you the Mil Spouse Holiday Blog Swap 2011!
What’s a blog swap? It’s kind of like a Secret Santa, but instead of exchanging gifts, we’re exchanging blogs. For one day, 28 military spouses will be guest posting for each other as we contemplate all things holiday. So check out all of the amazing participants of the Mil Spouse Holiday Blog Swap in the linky below as we invade each other’s blogs!
Bravo to you for staying "home" for the holidays! This is something that has been a surprising blessing of living overseas in Germany! We are too far to travel back to the states for every holiday during leave time… which means when he is not deployed (tongue in cheek!) we spend our family vacation time together – as a family! 🙂
Thank you Roller for hostessing this wonderful blog hop! 🙂
Amanda, I'm with you on the joy of building one's own family traditions. Chanukah doesn't always coincide with established December leave blocks for us, so we're often on our own for lighting candles and frying latkes. It's nice when things work out such that we can celebrate with our extended family, but we have enjoyed the "breathing space" to make the holiday special in our own home.
RC, thanks so much for organizing the blog swap. Looks like I have a lot of good reading ahead of me today!
Great idea! I look forward to visiting everyone's blogs and reading the holiday posts!
Such a great post!
And to Mrs. Roller Coaster…thank you so much for organizing and hosting this awesome blog hop! So much fun. 🙂
At this point we are still jumping around. Last year we went to NJ to visit my family, this year we are going to SC to visit my husband's family, but I am sure there will be that Christmas where we stay "home"… wherever that is!!!!
Roller Coaster thanks for hosting, this has been wonderful 🙂
Fun idea! I'm looking forward to reading! I've been letting blogging slip by in the chaos of the holiday prep, but I'm ready to dive back in tonight! I wrote about slowing down and enjoying the season for My Military Life this week, and now I need to follow my own advice! 😉
ahhh boo! sad i missed this!
New follower here. Love this idea!
Question though… Is the linky for everyone or just those that are guest posting?
Its definitely a tough decision and question to answer! For us, AZ will always be 'home' for us or at least until we have kiddies who we'd rather start our own traditions with. Great post!