Last year I shared a song called “Drive These Blues Away,” which was written and performed by an incredibly talented Army spouse named Olivia Perez-Breland.  Well, Olivia, who currently lives in Hawaii, has just released a video for a song she wrote for military spouses who, like her, have endured repeated deployments and separations.

“No actors were used in the video,” Olivia says.  “Only active duty Army soldiers and their families who were preparing for deployments at the time of filming. Those soldiers are now deployed to Afghanistan, so the video is very much ‘art-meets-life.'”

But Olivia isn’t just a talented artist.  She’s also a military spouse wanting to do something positive for our military community.  That’s why she’s donating half of her proceeds from the song to the Fisher House Foundation to support military families.

Olivia’s story got picked up by KITV Hawaii, so click here to learn more about her!

Ok, enough of my chatter.  Here’s the video.  Oh, and you might want to grab a box of tissues.

4 Comments on A Song For Mil Spouses By a Mil Spouse

  1. Her song is wonderful and of course does hit home. I love that she's able to connect us all together through her music 🙂

    Thank you for sharing 😉

  2. Oh, thank you SO much for sharing this!!! I am so honored to be able to do something positive for our military community…. and, I am blessed beyond words that so many military spouses have found comfort in my song… Seriously… So thankful… So blessed. 🙂

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