
Top 10 Breakup Songs

  ***Bad language alert. If the F word offends you, stop after #2.***     Music is a staple in my life. I can’t run without it. I can’t work without it. I can’t celebrate without it. And I can’t get through hard times without it. My divorce was no exception. Music was my comfort […] Read more…

A Song For Mil Spouses By a Mil Spouse

Last year I shared a song called “Drive These Blues Away,” which was written and performed by an incredibly talented Army spouse named Olivia Perez-Breland.  Well, Olivia, who currently lives in Hawaii, has just released a video for a song she wrote for military spouses who, like her, have endured repeated deployments and separations. “No actors […] Read more…

The Great Mamma Mia Debate

There always seems to be a debate in my house.  I guess that’s par for the course when you have a 4-year-old girl and a 7-year-old boy.  Those kids are ALWAYS fighting over something, always duking it out to prove who has the coolest toy/biggest muscles/smartest brain.  You name it, they debate it.  Every day it […] Read more…

Empire State of Mind

We’ve all had New York on our minds lately with the anniversary of 9/11.  In the last week, I’ve heard this song at least a dozen songs, and I can’t seem to get it out of my head.  And no offense to Jay Z, but Alicia Keys’ solo version is so much better than all […] Read more…

Let’s Get It Started

I’ve been training all summer for a half marathon.  And it suddenly occurred to me that the big day is coming up this weekend.  This is my 3rd half marathon so I know what to expect, but I’m still fighting some nerves that creep up whenever I think about race day.  During the training for […] Read more…

I Feel the Earth Move Under My Feet

Earthquakes and aftershocks and hurricanes, oh my!  Mother Nature doesn’t seem to be very happy with the East coast of the United States this week. This song has been playing in my head ever since I discovered that the rumbling I felt on Tuesday was indeed an earthquake.  Now as we wait to see where […] Read more…

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