My brain has been absolutely fried lately, and my thoughts are all over the place. So here are my… Top 10 List of Random Thoughts 10) I wish Mr. Roller Coaster would find his alarm clock because he stole mine and I want it back. But then again, do I really need to know what […] Read more…
Top 10 Reasons Why My Son Wishes He Was a Grown-Up
It seems that my brain is still on vacation, and for the life of me, I couldn’t come up with a top 10 list this week. So I’m letting my 6-year-old son Big C do today’s post. But don’t tell him you read it because when I told him he was going to be on my […] Read more…
Top 10 Reasons Why I’d Love to Spend a Day in My Son’s Shoes
My 6-year-old son has a pretty cool life. Wouldn’t it be fun to trade places with him for a day? Here are my… Top 10 Reasons Why I’d Love to Spend a Day in My Son’s Shoes 10) He sleeps in a room protected by super heroes, evil aliens, and powerful robots. Who needs an […] Read more…
Baseball Reconsidered
Big C’s baseball season is officially over. After a disappointing loss in the championship game of the playoffs, he received his trophy, bid farewell to his teammates, and retired his cleats that will be too small the next time he’ll need them. No more late practices. No more hot games. When the season first started in April, I wrote about my dissatisfaction with […] Read more…
The Tooth Fairy Cometh
My son Big C lost his 1st tooth yesterday. Weeks of light wiggling led to weeks of heavier movement, and finally last week it grew so loose that both of his grandfathers threatened to tie a string around it and yank away. But yesterday he did it all himself. My little man reached in and pulled […] Read more…
Baseball Blues
My son, Big C, recently started playing baseball. After 2 seasons of t-ball, he’s now in the major leagues. This is a whole new ball game. And I’m not all that impressed. The coaches’ sons are clearly the most skilled players, and there’s no mistaking the blatant favoritism. The other night at practice, while the […] Read more…