Yesterday was Big C’s first baseball practice of the season. I’d like to say my lack of preparation for the first practice was due to my lack of experience as a baseball mom, but this is his third season playing coach pitch after 2 seasons of t-ball. I have no excuse. So I thought I’d make […] Read more…
Top 10 Reasons I Miss My Kids
As I mentioned yesterday, I’m spending this week on stay-cation. Hubby is on leave, and the kids are with their grandparents. I love my children dearly, but sometimes it’s nice to have a little break from being a mom 24/7. Of course there are things about my children that I don’t miss: the fighting in […] Read more…
Little C…My Walking Time Bomb
My daughter is a klutz. Combine her lack of grace and her proclivity for impulsiveness and you have a 3-year-old walking time bomb. Little C is an accident waiting to happen. I love my daughter dearly and wouldn’t trade her crazy personality for the world, but I can’t take my eyes off her for a […] Read more…
Top 10 Highlights of My First Day of Summer Vacation with 2 Kids
Yesterday was my first official day of summer vacation. It was the first day I could sleep in without having to get someone off to school. It was the first day I had nothing planned. It was the first day I could realistically contemplate staying in my pajamas all day. And if yesterday was any […] Read more…
My Other Military Brat: I Want My Daddy Back
The other day I shared with you some of Big C’s thoughts on being a military brat. And I realized that I didn’t even attempt to ask my 3-year-old daughter her opinions on the subject. I guess I figure she’s too young, that she doesn’t understand enough to even have thoughts about military life. But lately […] Read more…
Project Gratitude Day 89
PROJECT GRATITUDE DAY 89: I am thankful for the 30 minutes my children actually got along today. For 30 whole minutes there was no screaming, whining, crying, pinching, kicking, shrieking, fussing, tattling, spitting, punching, scratching, or name calling. I’m so proud. Read more…