Little C

Taking the Time to Stop and Smell the Stinky Feet

My daughter’s feet stink. I’m well aware that no one’s feet smell like roses after being stuffed inside shoes all day, but her foot odor is borderline offensive. I can only imagine what her preschool teachers are thinking as they remove her sneakers for naptime and stifle their gag reflexes at the stench emanating from […] Read more…

Top 10 List of Random Thoughts

My brain has been absolutely fried lately, and my thoughts are all over the place.  So here are my… Top 10 List of Random Thoughts 10)  I wish Mr. Roller Coaster would find his alarm clock because he stole mine and I want it back.  But then again, do I really need to know what […] Read more…

Flying the Not-So-Friendly Skies

  Last week I returned from a much-needed vacation. The vacation itself was fabulous. The traveling with kids was not. The flight to my parents’ house was relatively painless, mainly because my frustration toward my children’s antics was overshadowed by my excitement to reach my destination and hand those little balls of energy over to […] Read more…

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