I’ve been training all summer for a half marathon.  And it suddenly occurred to me that the big day is coming up this weekend.  This is my 3rd half marathon so I know what to expect, but I’m still fighting some nerves that creep up whenever I think about race day.  During the training for my last half, I was so focused on beating my previous time that I ended up pulling my hamstring 3 weeks before the race because I wasn’t listening to my body.  So this time, I’m trying not to think about finish times.  My focus is on staying injury-free and having fun.

Music is a huge part of my ability to run.  I have no idea how people can run for 2 hours without a good beat and motivating lyrics.  I’d get lost in my own head without my iPod.  And that’s not a good thing.  Music helps distract me from the painful insanity of running 13.1 miles.

So my song choice for this week’s edition of Goodnight Moon’s What’s YOUR Song? Link-Up is “Let’s Get It Started” by the Black Eyed Peas.  This song has been the first song on my running playlist for as long as I can remember.  I can’t imagine kicking off a race without it!

What kinds of songs are on your exercise playlist?

14 Comments on Let’s Get It Started

  1. GOOD LUCK on your race! How exciting!!! I am training for my first full marathon right now and there is no way I could get through my runs without my music.

    PS Your song is very fitting =)

  2. Good Luck! I've been training for my first 5K but now I have a broken foot – so if I'm doctor approved I will probably be walking it. I like to listen to Van Halen when I run.

  3. Oh it's so sad that this was your song for getting motivate to run, while it was my motivation to get the a night of drinking with friends started. Gosh. Lol. Great song pick! And GOOD LUCK!

  4. Good luck on your half marathon!

    I always get nervous before a race. So, I just try and convince myself that all that nervous energy will turn into fast, running energy once the race begins. I will wish the same for you! 🙂


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